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Moving House Feng Shui

Moving House Feng Shui

The Feng Shui philosophy involves the practice of grouping together pieces in living spaces so that they can balance with the natural world. The main aim of doing this is creating a balance between you and the environment by harnessing energy forces. This is an ancient practice by the Chinese people and has been used since then in architecture. 


It helps in the orientation and placement of structures. People use it to find out where they can place elements within buildings like plants, furniture and sculptures. In this post, we are going to explore some feng shui tips that will help you when moving to a new place.


Let’s get started.


Clear your space of clutter


Want to experience an amazing harmonious start? Being Feng Shui means that you can start things afresh. And this means leaving bad energy behind and getting started to start things again. Harmony is a crucial element throughout this whole process. 


You, therefore, need to clear your space from clutter and carry only what you need in the new space. The best way to get rid of clutter is by removing them as you pack.  When you arrive at your new home, create space for everything. This helps you to avoid clutter. 


Avoiding clutter helps your home to have more energy. If you have some clothes or utensils that can still be useful but you don’t need them, consider giving them away. It is important to take time and go through all your stuff including books, shoes and other possessions and pack only what you use. 


Remember, if you move to a new place with too many things, it means that you aren’t willing to receive new stuff. Moving out can be an opportunity of welcoming new blessings by letting some things that sound like clutter go.


Get to know your new home


There’s no doubt that in feng shui, the belief that all things surrounding us live inclusive of our homes. It’s important to take time and introduce yourself to the new space immediately when you move to a new home. 


Your heart should be full of gratitude. Be positive and think about how that home is supportive to you and also how you would wish it to support you in the coming days. Let this be an intentional and sacred moment. This will help you to invite positive elements like prosperity, luck and good health.


Clearing the space of your new home


If your new apartment had people living inside previously, it may have some lingering energy about them. But the issue is that such energy may be negative or stagnant. Do space clearing to get rid of negative energy from past inhabitants. You can do this before moving in with stuff.  


Bless the new space with an aim of creating a new environment to nourish and support you. Start by opening doors and windows for about 9 minutes. You can use orange essential oil and spray it in each room. The essence of orange peels is believed to give positive energy.


Rededicate the home


Once you clear the space of your existing home, it’s important to rededicate your new space. Choose one object that has a personal meaning to you. It could be a plant or a family photo that has special meaning to you. 


Put the object in each room and make sure that you begin with the entry. After placing each object in all the rooms, go back to the entry door. From there move on clockwise from one room to another. As you move to each room, put your focus on positive intentions for the new home.


Activate your Entry


The front door of your home is called the “mouth of qi” in feng shui. This is a stage whereby opportunities and energy enter your life and home as well. For this reason, you need to make the front area of your home inviting and more visible. Neglecting your front door may represent obstacles in your life.


Here are some ways of activating feng shui in the front door of your home.


  • Eliminate all obstacles or clutter that block the path or view to the front door. Ensure that your house number can as well be seen. Remember, the failure of a friend finding your door can block you from getting new opportunities.


  • Always keep your door clean. Ensure that everything on your front door is clean including the surface, hinges and knobs. It should be easy to open the door and also the hinges should work well.


  • Use the front door frequently. While it may be more convenient to use the garage or back door often, try to use the front door regularly. This is important as it activates that entrance and makes the energy to keep flowing there.



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